
Seasonal Scents -- DSLR Camera
I created this packaging for a new candle company that sells four candles in each box, one for each season.

Seasonal Scents -- DSLR Camera
I designed everything for this project in Adobe Illustrator. I printed the logo on the candle on sticker paper.

Recycle Cary -- Adobe Photoshop
I created a magazine spread called Recycle Cary to educate children and families about the importance of recycling the correct items. This reusable bag would be used as a promotional piece that would be shipped free if families pledged to be smart when recycling items.

Bike&Blend Cup -- Adobe Photoshop
This is the cup customers would receive their smoothie in if they biked and blended their smoothie.

Bike&Blend Tervis -- Adobe Photoshop
This is the cup customers would receive their smoothie in if they biked and blended their smoothie and had purchased the reusable cup under our VIP Card program. This cup comes with four different colored lids. See more on the Bike&Blend page.