Mykee Fowlin
5 MAR 2020 | by Sarah Barnes
Listen 1:43
Mykee Fowlin visits University of Lynchburg for Black History Month
University of Lynchburg hosted Dr. Michael Fowlin, better known as Mykee, in the Memorial Ballroom, Hall Campus Center on March 3, 2020 for his presentation of “You Don’t Know Me Until You Know Me - A Mission To Create An Atmosphere Of Worldwide Inclusion”.
According to Fowlin’s website, his prior work has included “peer mediation, diversity trainings, gender equity workshops, and violence prevention seminars”.
This event was sponsored by the University of Lynchburg Office of Equity and Inclusion, Black Student Association, and Student Diversity Council for Black History Month.
By taking on different personas in his show, Fowlin is able to portray varying types of diversity.

Mykee Fowlin on stage presenting "You Don’t Know Me Until You Know Me" at University of Lynchburg, March 2020.
Fowlin says that everyone has experienced some sort of trauma in their life and they should not feel ashamed if their trauma is greater or lesser than someone else’s, it is equally valid.
He also notes that while many students want to help out in diversity efforts, they think “they’re not diverse enough” to actually have an impact, however Fowlin’s performance proves otherwise.
For those who could not make it to Fowlin’s show, he wanted everyone to leave with one major takeaway.
Fowlin said he urges people to understand “that you are not alone” and that you should “use your pain as your gift,” which is a skill that allows him to share his story in such a compelling fashion.
Destiny Todd, sophomore diversity council chairperson representing the Bonner program at University of Lynchburg enjoyed the show, saying “I feel like he gave a different perspective…being a psychologist he definitely shows a different way of how you can look at your emotions, and how you outputting your emotions out into the world...affects others”.